How I Got People to Stop Asking Me if I Was Pregnant (and got my flat belly back)
Have you ever looked in the mirror after having lunch and wondered how on earth you could look as if you were 6 months pregnant? Bloating can do that to you. From eating hard-to-digest foods like dairy or garlic to having a diet high in salt or even hormonal imbalances, there are many reasons why you may feel as if you’ve swallowed a balloon instead of food.
Have you ever looked in the mirror after having lunch and wondered how on earth you could look as if you were 6 months pregnant? Bloating can do that to you. From eating hard-to-digest foods like dairy or garlic to having a diet high in salt or even hormonal imbalances, there are many reasons why you may feel as if you’ve swallowed a balloon instead of food.
So, if you’re tired of receiving questions about your due date, keep on reading and discover how our clients got people to stop asking them if they were pregnant—and recover their gut health and happiness in the process!
Discover How to Flatten Your Belly—in as Little as 29 Minutes
- What’s Bloating and Why Does It Occur?
- Rebecca Regained Control of Her Tummy And Got Her Social Life Back
- After Only 2 Days, Oya Finally Got Rid of Her “Pregnant Belly”
- Sharon Followed Our Instructions to the Letter, and It Payed Off
- Lucia Had Something In Her Stomach That Shouldn’t Be There—Here’s How She Did Away With It

What’s Bloating and Why Does It Occur?
Bloating refers to your digestive tract becoming filled with air for a variety of reasons. Eating too much (or eating certain kinds of food), having your period, swallowing air when eating too fast, or being stressed out can be a few of the many causes of bloating. And while it may seem a bit annoying and nothing else, the truth is that extreme bloating can affect your life and make you feel uncomfortable and sick all the time.

Rebecca Regained Control of Her Tummy—And Got Her Social Life Back
“After having my gallbladder removed at 21 (I'm now 45) I've had digestive issues all my life, to the point of limiting my social life because of my unpredictable tummy. I used to get pains which became worse all day and by the evening I had to go lie down and my tummy was so bloated I looked pregnant.”
Indeed, bloating is a medical condition that can affect all aspects of your life. In addition to making you feel as if you’ve swallowed a balloon, bloating can be very painful and unpredictable. Some of its symptoms include:
- Burping and belching
- Feeling your stomach tight and full
- Fluid retention
- Heartburn
- Nausea and vomiting,
- Diarrhea
- And more.
Our products are made of completely natural ingredients, like Organic Chicory Root, Marshmallow Root, or Aquamin F, which bring about countless digestive health benefits that help you get rid of bloating for good. For example, Marshmallow Root extract has been used to treat irritated mucosa and stomach ulcers and is also helpful when healing leaky gut syndrome. With Happy Mammoth’s products, you’ll feel light, energised and vigorous again!
After Only 2 Days, Oya Finally Got Rid of Her “Pregnant Belly”
Oya took our Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine, a completely natural supplement that promotes digestive health by reducing bloating, gas, pain, and helps seal fissures in the gut lining. The best way to take L-Glutamine is around 30 minutes before your meals, by mixing 5 gr of powder (one scoop) with 200-300 ml of water. Please note it should not be mixed with other foods or liquids, just water!

“I suffered from bloating and cramping for years and nothing worked. By the end of the day, I would look 6 months pregnant, no matter what I ate. It was horrible. On the second day of taking this product, I was no longer bloated. I have been taking it every morning on an empty stomach now for 4 weeks and have not had the bloated, 6-month-pregnant belly look at all. I am also lactose intolerant and found this product helps with it, too! I highly recommend it to anyone who is experiencing the same concerns.”
Sharon Followed Our Instructions to the Letter, and It Payed Off
All of our health supplements produce better results when taken as directed and at a specific time of the day. Our Ultra Absorb L-Glutamine (the product taken by Sharon) produces optimal results for digestive problems when taken once daily before or after meals. Just mix one scoop with 200-300 ml of water (don’t mix it with other liquids except water!).
It’s important to note that long-term bloating can be an indicator of an issue that requires medical attention. Always consult with your doctor for advice and to look for appropriate treatment.
Lucia Had Something In Her Stomach That Shouldn’t Be There—Here’s How She Did Away With It
As stated above, bloating can be caused by a myriad of reasons. One of them may be related to enzyme deficiency, which leads to food festering inside your gut. As a result, you may suffer from painful flatulence and bloating for days! If this sounds like you, our Vital Digestive Enzymes can help, as they did Lucia.
The digestive enzymes that help break down the food to be absorbed by your intestines are:
- Amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates.
- Lipase, which breaks down fats.
- Protease, which breaks down proteins.
“I have been going to the doctor for years with a stubborn bowl and being constipated and feeling bloated after eating since I was 12. After taking this for a week every morning once I get up, I can notice the change in my tummy, with less bloating for one, and it feels so good not to feel 4 months pregnant after eating! I will definitely be ordering more and will be in my morning routine to drink as soon as I get up. Thank you for making an amazing product that has finally helped my tummy.”
Thus, having an enzyme deficiency can produce a myriad of digestive problems, among which is bloating. If you’d like to give our Vital Digestive Enzymes a try, take them half an hour before or after your meal and observe improved digestion, reduced food sensitivities, and a boosted metabolism in addition to less bloating!
All in all, even constant and extreme bloating can be managed using natural solutions. Modify your diet, rest properly, and take natural supplements to do away with bloating for good! And if you’re looking for the final solution to put an end to your bloating, the Bloat Banisher is what you need.
This supplement combines all the science-backed bloat-blasting properties of natural herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, liquorice root, and aquamin f, together with digestive enzymes that automate your digestion. In this way, you can goodbye to your pregnant belly once and for all—in under 29 minutes. Get the digestive relief you deserve and you won’t look back!